
Well, I seem to have done a rubbish job at keeping up with this blog, haven't I? Let's see, last post was.....June 5, 2018. Wow. Almost a year. Well done, me.

To be fair, quite a lot has happened.

Firstly, I'm a mom now! My son, Benjamin was born on Feb. 7th and he's pretty much the coolest baby ever. See cute photo below for more information. So, I was at home with Ben from February through May and I am just now getting back into the groove of working. Learning how to be a working mom is still going to take me some time. It definitely gives me a newfound appreciation of everything my mom managed to juggle while my brother and I were little.

Second big change is now I am a Young Adult Librarian! This is something I have wanted for YEARS, pretty much since getting my MLS in 2015. I was previously a middle school and high school teacher and I have always enjoyed working with teens. I enjoyed my time as a children's librarian but I had been feeling burnt out for quite some time. Storytime, crafts and singing just never came naturally to me. I am a pretty serious and reserved person, so I would occasionally have to punch up the pep factor, which can be a little draining to maintain. As a YA librarian, I still get to create fun programs and work with kids, but these kids aren't expecting me to sing to them or bust out the puppets.

While I feel bad leaving my team right before summer reading is in full swing, the timing of the change was really great for me personally. Leaving Ben and going back to work was much harder than I anticipated. I'm normally kind of a robot, but those first few days I was an emotional hot mess. It didn't help being in the children's department surrounded by babies and stay at home parents. Now I am part of the adult services team, so I don't see young children quite as often. (Although I did cover the children's desk the other night and a little girl told me I look like I am 16 years old. Win!)

Also, starting this position gave me something I am passionate about to focus on. Like I mentioned, we are but weeks away from summer and I have to get all my ducks in a row before then. The librarian who had this job before me had planned some events that I am keeping on the calendar, but I also wanted to put my own spin on things. The timing of all this has meant that I've really had to hit the ground running, and I think that's been good for my transition back to work.

Frankly, it's a good thing I went back to work when I did. We're just now getting some of the hospital bills from having Ben. Talk about sticker shock. It's a good thing he's cute.

Now, as to this blog...

I want to tell you that I am going to be reviewing new YA books. That's my goal. The problem is I get home, have about an hour to feed the baby and put him to bed. Then I eat dinner and pass out. Finding time to read may be a bit of a lofty goal at the moment, but I'm going to give it the old college try. I am also hoping to include posts on summer programs and how I am going to go about growing the YA department.

Stay tuned and hopefully you will hear from me again before June 2020.
